
Four years after a zombie virus outbreak in South Korea, a soldier is assigned to a covert operation on a quarantined peninsula 

Yeon Sang-Ho’s 2020 sequel to his spectacular Train to Busan is technically a more accomplished movie, but as is often the case, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better.

Because we’re four years into the zombie virus, the world has changed into the sort of scavenger ‘dog eat dog’ environment that has been done to death in everything from Day of the Dead to The Walking Dead to Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. What was previously a sleek single-idea thriller is now a bloated amalgamation of various genres.

What doesn’t help is that a lot of the CGI just doesn’t cut it, looking like sequences from a video game and not helped by the extreme clarity of the 4K picture. But the human element that carried the first feature is still here, and just how things will end might genuinely surprise you. StudioCanal’s disc includes ‘making of’ featurettes – The Action, The Characters, The Director, The Sequel.

Verdict: A zombie thriller that can’t capture the ‘lightning in a bottle’ of the original due to its reliance on over-used tropes and unconvincing CGI. 6/10

Nick Joy