Arrow Films

A young woman struggles to feel at home in an imposing residence, uncovering a horrendous family secret and encountering supernatural forces.

Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror tale was clearly made to be watched with the best possible picture, and Arrow’s new 4K transfer is gorgeous. The Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible) image is stunning, bringing the set design to life.

This has always been a film that I enjoyed on a technical level far more than narratively. It’s an old-fashioned haunted house tale that’s been told many times before, so the added value is in the production values, which are excellent.

The extras alone on this set are worth the purchase price, from an insightful commentary by del Toro to a feature-length documentary, spotlights on different aspects of the production,  deleted scenes, trailers and more.

This limited edition includes a double-sided, foldout poster, postcards and a book of new writing on the movie.

Verdict: An already gorgeous looking film just got even more vibrant. Stunning. 9/10

Nick Joy