Severin Films

An orphaned teenager finds himself being dominated by his aunt who’s hell-bent on keeping him with her…at all costs.

William Asher’s exploitation horror movie Nightmare Maker (AKA The Evil Protege and Night Warning) has gained a certain notoriety by being on the DPP’s original list of 72 ‘Video Nasties’ (it was never prosecuted) and being refused a certificate by the BBFC in 1987. As with most of these movies when watched in the 21st Century, the infamy feels undeserved,  as this is ultimately just a standard horror flick from the early 1980s that got caught up in British hysteria.

Scanned in 4K from its original camera negative and boasting six hours of value-added material, Severin’s release is a boon for fans of this feature that includes early roles for Julia Duffy (Newhart) and Bill Paxton as The Evil Protegé. The main roles are played by Jimmy McNichol as Billy Lynch and Susan Tyrrell as Aunt Cheryl.

Fourteen years after he has been adopted by his aunt, Billy wants to leave home for a scholarship, but Cheryl has other plans. After killing a tradesman who refuses her sexual advances (witnessed by Billy), the local police suspect a gay love triangle, and be warned that there’s homophobic slurs typical of the time. It’s high melodrama with over-the-top performances  and no sense of tension or scares.

There are three audio commentaries with cast and creatives, as well as filmed interviews, trailer and TV spot.

Verdict: It’s a comprehensive package from Severin, but the value of this release will depend wholly on your relationship with this mediocre movie. 6/10

Nick Joy