The Doctor has lost, his ageless enemy reigns supreme, and a shadow is falling over creation. Nothing can stop the devastation… except, perhaps, one woman. 

There’s a deja vu to this, the latest Russell T Davies season finale, though with only eight episodes in this run, two of which are this story, we’ve got to this point rather quickly, and in this regard we haven’t had the time to build up the suspense. It’s full of greatest hits from the showrunner’s playbook – most notably the reset switch – and a lot happens that exists purely to serve the story rather than make logical sense.

The  Legend of Ruby Sunday was jam-packed with big moments and revelations, the MO to leave things in a state of suspense, with everything to play for in the conclusion. With Sutekh revealed as the malignant force wreaking revenge on the universe, turning everything to dust in its wake, there was still the big question as to who Ruby’s mother is (was).

And the matrimonial mystery is indeed solved before the end of this episode, in one of the stronger plot points. The Susan Triad storyline is dropped after its simplistic resolution, though we still don’t know what the deal is with Mrs Flood, Anita Dobson here chewing the scenery with relish.

But as for the rest of it… it’s a bit of a mess of ideas and non-sequiturs. Aside from the big trailer moment of the dust desolation, there’s the Remembered TARDIS, and various moments that rely on a TARDIS iPad, sticking a spoon in it, blowing a whistle and putting Sutekh on a leash. It’s all over the place, and while it can be enjoyed on the most superficial level, it just doesn’t stack up. Far too many times I was pulled out of the drama by moments of ‘Eh! What? Why would she do that though?!

Verdict: In answer to my question last week, sadly the finale does not stick the landing. It’s a lot of fun, but just too much isn’t thought through. 6/10

Nick Joy