Military intelligence isn’t a contradiction in terms for the Third Doctor and Dr Elizabeth Shaw in a new seven-parter coming from Big Finish later this year.

Due for release in October 2023  Doctor Who – The Third Doctor Adventures: Intelligence for War stars Tim Treloar (as the Doctor), Daisy Ashford (as Liz Shaw, the role made famous by her late mother, Caroline John) and Jon Culshaw (as Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart).

The Doctor and Liz Shaw investigate a disturbing incident in the quiet Norfolk village of Huncleath, involving a vanishing Nazi soldier. Is time travel technology to blame? And what is the link between the disappearance of the village’s wealthiest resident, Francis Teeling, and anti-war campaigners in Cambridge?

As the Brigadier mobilises UNIT, a secret branch of the British military has serious concerns about UNIT’s scientific advisor — Dr Elizabeth Shaw.

In the ensuing struggle, Liz must make connections with her past, consider her future and fight against both incarceration and an unusual alien weapon. And try as he might, the Doctor may not be able to help her!

Actor Daisy Ashford said: “I always love coming back to Liz Shaw. This story is particularly great because she has a very biting humour and dry wit to her this time. And she’s been a little bit naughty! Believe it or not, she’s been accused of something terrible and finds herself locked up.”

Script editor and director Nicholas Briggs added: “I was very keen to have Liz at the centre of this story, in a way that would never have been done back in 1970. That was my brief to Big Finish stalwart writer Eddie Robson: ‘Make it all about Liz’. And that’s our modern twist in a tale of intrigue, treachery and, of course, alien threat.’

Doctor Who – The Third Doctor Adventures: Intelligence for War is now available to pre-order as a collector’s edition CD box set (+ download for just £19.99) or as a digital download only (for just £16.99), exclusively from


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