Pre-production on the new Mad Max film, Fury Road, has hit a major snag, following an extended rainy season which has turned the location at Broken Hill too green to represent the post-apocalyptic setting of the story.

“The Mad Max landscape looked like Wales,” producer George Miller told The Sydney Morning Herald‘s Garry Maddox. “There was a carpet of flowers on the location we were shooting on. There’s no way it’s going to brown off. Not only that, we wanted to shoot some of the shots on Lake Eyre but now it’s full of pelicans.”

A road had been built in preparation for the shoot, and the production had moved 150 vehicles to Broken Hill, but the producers are now looking for a fresh location, either in Australia, or possibly in Morocco, Chile or China.

Miller did confirm that Fury Road marked the start of a new trilogy of Mad Max films, with The Hollywood Reporter suggesting that the fifth movie, currently being scripted, will be titled Mad Max Furiosa.

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