The Doctor’s granddaughter is back fighting the Time War in two new sets coming from Big Finish.

Carole Ann Ford stars in two new box sets of full-cast audio drama, as Susan is reunited with her grandfather – but not as she’s ever known him before.

No Gallifreyan was safe from the Time War. While the Doctor resisted the call, his granddaughter Susan did her duty and signed up to fight the growing Dalek threat.

Susan (Carole Ann Ford) teams up with the War Doctor (Jonathon Carley) in two brand-new box sets, Susan’s War: Family Ties (due in August 2024) and Susan’s War: Grandfather Time (release date TBC).

Family Ties and Grandfather Time continue the story of the 2020 release, Susan’s War. That box set featured Susan meeting the Eighth Doctor, at a time when he was reluctant to join the fight. Now, as they’re brought together on new missions for the Time Lords, she must come to terms with her grandfather being a very different man – the War Doctor is ready for battle.

The stories in Family Ties are:

The Lost Son by Sarah Cassidy

The Golden Child by Peter Anghelides

And, the stories in Grandfather Time are:

The Last of the Kaleds by David Llewellyn

The Voord Alliance by Andrew Smith

Producer Heather Challands said: “It’s my privilege to continue the story of Susan. Carole Ann Ford takes the lead so well and it’s so exciting to have her front-and-centre in these stories, tackling the Time War. These episodes really confront Susan with the family that she’s lost, and the family she still has! For the first time, she’s going to meet the War Doctor. But will she approve of what her grandfather has become?”

Script editor Matt Fitton added: “This is a different angle on the Time War – it’s much more to do with diplomacy and espionage. Susan’s not a soldier; she uses her brain and her empathy for forging alliances with other species for the Time Lords. And I like to keep an aspect of the 1960s present, so we touch on characters, situations, and alien races that hark back to the time when Susan was travelling with the Doctor.”

The Worlds of Doctor Who – Susan’s War: Family Ties and Grandfather Time are now available to pre-order as collector’s edition CD box sets (+ download for just £15.99 each) or as digital downloads only (for just £12.99 each), exclusively from

1 Comment »

  1. It’s great that Carole’s most powerful reinvention of Susan can continue thanks to the blessings of Big Finish.

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