Discovery logoConfirming various rumours, the lead character of Star Trek Discovery will be known as “Number One” in tribute to Majel Roddenberry’s character, Bryan Fuller has revealed.

Speaking on a radio interview with Nerd World Report Fuller said, “When we introduce our protagonist, she is called Number One for that very reason, in honor of Majel Barrett’s character in the original pilot. And as we were first talking about the series and talking to CBS, we said ‘Initially, we will only call this character Number One, because in the 60’s, in the first pilot, Gene Roddenberry was very progressive, and he had a female first officer, and… executives at the time said America is not ready for a female in a command position.’”

The look of the show won’t necessarily reflect The Cage’s aesthetic though. “We’re going to try to achieve a new look for Star Trek that is very much Star Trek, but also our interpretation of Star Trek. And I love each of the shows I work on to have a distinct aesthetic,” Fuller explained. “So being able to apply the colour palette of some of these, whether it’s Hannibal or Pushing Daisies, and going a different direction with science fiction, it just felt like it was a good place to start our signature look for the Star Trek universe and work our way forward as we continue to tell stories.”

The first episode is written by Alex Kurtzman and Fuller; the second by Star Trek II, IV and VI writer Nicholas Meyer. Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts have joined as co-showrunners with Jesse Alexander and Kemp Powers now on the writing team.

No decisions have yet been taken as to the music on the show, although Fuller did comment, “We absolutely have to have orchestral elements of the show with live orchestras… I’m very excited about the music. Music is incredibly important.”

For the full interview, go here


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