The BBC Press Office has released a new press pack for the second half of Doctor Who‘s sixth season, confirming that the show returns to British screens on August 27, as a new prequel has appeared online.

Executive producer Steven Moffat introduces the six episodes: “The wait is almost over. The second part of the thrilling new series of Doctor Who begins on 27 August 2011.

“The rules have changed, and the game is deadlier than ever. Out in the universe, where the earthly rules of time and space do not apply, Amy and Rory know only too well that their baby daughter needs them. For Melody Pond is destined to become River Song, mysterious archaeologist and convicted murderer – the woman who killed the best man she ever knew…

“The Doctor leads Amy and Rory across centuries and galaxies in a desperate search for baby Melody, but a terrible and inescapable date looms large. At 5.02pm on 22nd April 2011, the Doctor will die. These are his last days, and the quest for Melody his final mission.”

Moffat confirms the appearance of the Cybermen, and concludes, “But time catches up with us all and the Doctor can delay no more.

“By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance. And a NASA astronaut is waiting…”

Let’s Kill Hitler was shown to a packed audience at the British Film Institute last night, with Moffat, and stars Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill answering (or often not answering!) questions about the show.

The BBC has released a short prequel to the episode:

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